Dressing your kids as real Icons is cool.
Being in the Fashion world, or even watching it is probably one of the greatest things
God could have given us. Having children. Close second.
I mean what's the point of having children if you can't dress them or be exact little
replicas of what you want them to be? I hope you can detect my slight sarcasm here.
Key word, slight. :P We see you Mom and Dad's trying to live vicariously through
your kids whether it be college, or the career you never had.
So, without further adue.
I give you The Great Iris Arpel.
Unless your living under a rock you should know who this woman is, she is a style icon.
And your child should be her for Halloween.
Frida Kahlo
This amazing shot and tutorial comes from littleinspiration.com
If we're going to teach our little humans that they can be anything like superheros
or Halloween, why not be the real deal?
Happy Halloween Hunting.